Monday, May 23, 2011

The Northeastern Patriots Net 3.860 M-Sat 8pm

Now, is the time for all good red necks to come to the aid of his country.

Well, what can be said for the over all intelligence of any net which finds anything Obama says, does, attempts to do and this qualifications for the Presidency in question?
For example, Obama is a Muslim, born of Islamic parents outside the USA and because of a deep liberal conspiracy has risen to the highest post in the United States. Most disturbing he should call himself a patriot when we know all true patriots find black powder and firearms the only point they can agree on, as their liberty.

For these folks the statue of Liberty should exchange her torch for a musket.
Night after night they call in and rate their level of emergency. Most call in as a level one.
That is watchful waiting for the Feds to come calling and in one fell swoop collect the ham equipment, ammo and all firearms.

We could list by call sign the regulars here, but what would be the point? If they were taken seriously, I'm sure the FBI would have made them a visit some time ago.

Can you say RED NECK NET? That would be a more appropriate title me thinks. As it stands its a good laugh for a night or two, but lack creativity and as all amateur nets sinks to the level of a dead chicken and a clutch of eggs filled with Papa's black powder.
Remember Elmer Keep that POWDER dry !

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