Sunday, July 10, 2011

How to Kill A Dead and Mindless Ham

   Has it ever seemed to you hams must be some of the most dead out there. After all why would anyone chant CQ CORN TEST, then give a phoney 59 report. Only then to go back to doing the same thing again.
We won't say all hams are Zombies, but it is possible, given their mindless chatter some may well be dead, and unburied.

Here is a primer on how to kill a Zombie, if you need to.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

A super HV arc. This should say Danger to The Rangers

          I include this video, because it is just so cool. In old days,
age 16, my 3500 volts pulled some nice arcs, but not like this.
I did however as a kid, love to take a lead pencil and draw a nice blue arc from a 6146, that was producing RF. Its a wonder I survived.. Gwod was with me, good buddy.

This arc is on a 345 KV power grid. The technicans opened the breakers and by golly, got some good plasma off the latches.


The Sunset for Personal Radio, including Amateur radio

Included here, for your reference, is the material from which Amateur radio is depending on to keep it alive and well.

For your suggestion, assume you are a youngster, that wants to shortwave listen. Would you, consider joining Elmar here on 75 meters for a little conversation between feeding the dogs and your next six pack?

For the moment, radio is in the twilight zone, and its not clear what if any excuse it can show for its continued existence.

Happy 4th of July.. and keep that powder dry.                    

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Field Day.. CQ.. CQ.. Can You hear Me NOW ?

                                    That Class of Operator You'll Never Hear EXCEPT IN a Contest. They are a unique group of people, mostly too busy to use radio except to win a gold cup and get their call in QST or CQ magazine.  Its dog eat Dog, and QRM is OUR Norm.

                             You cannot be old, hard of hearing and senile
to be a contest operator. It is QRM where you can and push the limits. The real inhuman side is shown, if you attempt foolishly, to give a contester anymore than what he expects and want. You'll get thrown over board as soon as you give the robot a number, section and other foolish info.

The younger folks usually are involved with contests as well as millionaires who run illegal power and multi-operator stations. Of course these stations will all have large yagis if a DX contest.

The QRM is at its sweetest and bitching and complaining at its Nader during contests, because it is a dog eat dog activity.
For myself, I enjoy contests moderately because the old spend farts are forced off the bands during the qrm as norm field day.


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Senility and its Friend- Alive and Well in Amateur Radio

                                       Its so difficult to listen to the last burn down
                of a spent and dying mind

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sticks and Stone Break Bones, But Words ?

Ham Ops are a quirky bunch of superstitious old men who would not shoot a dog, but would a trespasser or a coon. They would not be able to even complete a ten word declarative sentence without using the wrong tense of the verb, but angel breathe, would never say a dirty word. They would never even say God Damn, on the air.

The FCC would agree and has sent  Notice of apparent liability to broadcast stations for just one utterance of the word FUCK.
They send million dollar NAL to networks for showing a female teat on the air?
One has to ask who is sicker? Those that pretend to never use a vulgar word and be offended or those that curse like a sailor.
The sailor, at least is not being a hypocrite.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

K1OIK on The Ham Trail Outer-On-Decks.. ship Ahoy, Matey

"We all know, hams have no guts or balls or anything like that.", Burt, K1OIK

   The Judas of Amateur Radio. K1OIK Burt spin around three times and call that high school girl you got so hard on. Oh, well you know that is the majority of problems in the hobby.  The majority of these people, Burt, are social misfits. We can take heart in that the radio offers some social interaction and probably has kept many of these senile folks alive at least ten years more than if they only had their wife to chatter with.
Mad Mad.. world..of the Two Meter Repeaters lurkers.